Saturday, May 29, 2010


خوی که په دا شان وي دل ازار ستا
څه ښادي به کاندي طلبګار ســــتا
حيف چې اورېدی شي ليدی نشي
حسن لطافت دې پريوار ستا
بيا دوباره نه ګوري وبل ته
هر چا چې ليدلی دې رخسار ستا
خدای زده چې ته يار د کوم يوه يې
هر طرف ياران دي صد هزار ستا
ځای د پښو ايښودو مونده نشي
هومره عاشقان دي په دربار ستا
بل هسې نه وي که يې خدای کا
ما غوندې خاکسار او هوادار ستا
عشق له حسنه، حسن دی له عشقه
ته نګار زما يې، زه نګار ستا
ته زما مطلوب يې زه طالب يم
ته زما طبيب يې زه بيمار ستا
ته که تازه ګل د نوبهار يې
زه يم عندليب په لاله زار ستا
جور که جفا ده که ستم دی
واړه مې منلي دي يکبار ستا
جور په چا څوک په بها پيري
زه يم د جورونو خريدار ستا
يو تار که ضايع شي ستا د زلفو
ځان به صدقه کړم تر هر تار ستا
سل ازمايښتونه دې راوکړه
حيف دی چې لا نشي اعتبار ستا
تېر يم زه "رحمان " له هره کاره
اوس مې ملا تړلې ده په کار ستا

Pukhtoon Nationalist party of the future

In the last 58 years Pukhtoons are living in Pakistan. If we reflect on the performance of the Pukhtoon nationalist parties, it is clear that these parties have achieved very little for the nation. They failed to unite Pukhtoons and failed to get the rights of Pukhtoons. If we analyse their performance then it will become clear that the performance of these parties is just like the pro-establishment parties. They even failed to pass on the message that what Pukhtoons want as a nation is to live on equal terms with other nations in the country. As a result the masses have joined the pro-establishment parties.
This may all look doom and gloom but there is light at the end of the tunnel. In the last 10 years there is a small emerging Pukhtoon Nationalist party which is on the right track. This party is very clear in its message. This message is:

1. Pukhtoons living in Pakistan want to live together as one Nation
2. Pukhtoons of Balochistan, tribal area and NWFP want one province
3. And the name of this province will be "Pukhtoonkhwa"
4. Pukhtoonkhwa shall be given all its genuine rights

This party is gaining popularity day by day. The good thing about this is that the young generation and educated people like its programme. Along with them are the common Pukhtoon man and woman.
Those who are keen to know about Pukhtoon Nationalism and want to do something practical about it must get more information about this party. The two parties are called "Pukhtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party----PkMAP  and  AWAMI NAIONAL PARTY---ANP". And there is no doubt that these party are the "Pukhtoon Nationalist party of the Future".

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