Saturday, June 12, 2010
khyber pukhtoonkhwa budget
Provincial Finance Minister Khyber Pukhthunkhwa Engr. Humayun Khan Saturday presented Rs.294.2 billion balance budget for the year 2010-11 containing Rs 69.3 billion annual development program, indicating 77 percent rise over the outgoing fiscal in the provincial assembly.
The total revenue expenditures and income generation have been estimated at Rs 294.2 billion for the next fiscal, said the provincial Finance Minister in his budget speech.
Giving details of the receipts to be obtained in 2010-11, he said the province would receive Rs.123.4 billion from the central taxes, Rs 9.4 billion income expected from oil and gas royalty, Rs 6 billion net hydel profits apart from Rs 25 billion to be received by the province upto July 2010 as net hydel profit arrears.
Rs 15.2 billion special grant expected to meet the growing challenge of terrorism while the provincial own receipts are expected to generate Rs 7.2 billion, he said adding, for the first time the province would get Rs.842 million from Malakand-III hydel power project, Rs.12.3 billion will be obtained from general sales tax on services and Rs.400 million from general capital income.
The province expected to receive foreign loan to the amount of Rs.9.3 billion in 2010-11 while there was a provision of Rs.85.9 billion under the head of food trading.
The total revenue expenditures and income generation have been estimated at Rs 294.2 billion for the next fiscal, said the provincial Finance Minister in his budget speech.
Giving details of the receipts to be obtained in 2010-11, he said the province would receive Rs.123.4 billion from the central taxes, Rs 9.4 billion income expected from oil and gas royalty, Rs 6 billion net hydel profits apart from Rs 25 billion to be received by the province upto July 2010 as net hydel profit arrears.
Rs 15.2 billion special grant expected to meet the growing challenge of terrorism while the provincial own receipts are expected to generate Rs 7.2 billion, he said adding, for the first time the province would get Rs.842 million from Malakand-III hydel power project, Rs.12.3 billion will be obtained from general sales tax on services and Rs.400 million from general capital income.
The province expected to receive foreign loan to the amount of Rs.9.3 billion in 2010-11 while there was a provision of Rs.85.9 billion under the head of food trading.