Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Pukhtoon Students Federation (PSF) : ANP : AWAMI NATIONAL PARTY
Pukhtoon Students Federation (PSF) is a leftist and nationalist student organization and a student wing of the Awami National Party formally known as (National Awami Party) in Pakistan. It was founded by Asfandyar Wali Khan in 1968 who became its executive committee member.
It is present in various universities of Pakistan especially in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Bashir Sherpao is the Central President of Pukhtoon Students Federation.
Pukhtoon students federation was founded on 8th April 1968 at the historical tomb of the great national hero Khushaal Khan Khattak. It is an student organization that is leftist, secular, liberal, progressive and nationalist in nature. Although independent, It is the student wing of Awami National Party. It is present in numerous educational institutions of Pakistan. This federation is the continuation of the epic struggle of Khudai Khidmatgaran and Tehrik e Anjuman e Islah e Afghana. the foundation of it coincided with the worst racial oppression and social injustice of the rulers of those times under one unit system. Every student belonging historically to the region Pukhtoonkhwa irrespective of his/her color, race language and religion can become member of PSF. Pukhtoon Students Federation (PSF) is the legacy of Khan Abdul Ghaffar "Bacha" Khan (1890 - 20 Jan 1988) خان عبد الغفار خان a Pashtun political and spiritual leader known for his non-violent opposition to British Rule in India and his Khudai Khidmatgar movement. His grandson Asfand Yar Wali Khan as a student activist, during the national uprising against the dictatorship of General Ayub Khan, launched & organized PSF & became its Central Executive Committee member. Pukhtoon Students Federation opposed the military dictatorship of General Yahia Khan who replaced Ayub Khan through a coup-de-tat in 1969 and banned PSF along with all political activities.
The PSF has the following organizational structure: 1. Central Cabinet Bashir Sherpao is the President of Pukhtoon Students Federation. Formally he has been Pukhtoonkhwa President. The duties of central cabinet is to supervise all the activities of PSF in Pakistan and abroad. Provincial cabinets work under the central cabinet. These are: 1. Pukhtoonkhwa Cabinet 2. Sindh Cabinet 3. Baluchistan Cabinet 4. Punjab Cabinet (Note: Oversees cabinets are organized)
Constitution of PSF includes the folloowing points: To spread the light of khnowledge and art. Follow the non-violence principles of Abdul Ghaffar Baacha Khan. Promotion of Pashto language, culture, Pukhtoonwali code and cementing of national bonds on the basis of culture. To champion and safegaurd the rights of pukhtoons and especialy of the students. To work for the unification of all pukhtoons and cementing of the national unity on the basis of pukhtoon traditions, solidarity and integrity of Pukhtoon society with progressive thinking. To support democratic forces and to oppose imperialistic and colonial powers and work for the development of country, nation and all humanity.
The cabinet of Pukhtoon Students Federation includes the following cabinet members: 1. Central Executive Committee: Chairman (Mashar) & 4 members. 2. Presidents (Sadaran): President (Sadar), Senior Vice President (Mashar Naib Sadar) & 4 Vice Presidents (Naib Sadaran). 3. Secretaries (Sikataran): General Secretary (Star Sikatar), Deputy General Secretary (Naib Sikatar) & 4 Joint Secretaries (Kashar Sikataran). 4. Media: Press Secretary (Ishat Sikatar) & Information Secretary (Itilat Sikatar) 5. Finance (Khazana): Finance Secretary (Khazanchi) 6. Law and Order: Legal Advisor (Qanun Sikatar) & Security Secretary (Salar) 7. Miscellaneous: Culture Secretary (Kaltur Sikatar), Stage Secretary, Sports Secretary, Blood Secretary, Web Admin, Welfare Secretary & Propaganda Secretary...
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